Friday, September 08, 2006

Radical Islamic Cowards

[AP Photo/Mohammed Ballas]
Typical of Radical Islamist Fighters, this towel-head is literally hiding behind children as he shoots at Israelis. This is taken in Palestine but could be in Lebanon or anywhere else these animals roam. Europeans and most of the world call the Israelis monsters and terrorists, then give Arafat the Nobel Peace Prize. There is nothing noble with these cowards, not wearing uniforms and shooting with children to protect them. Just try and shoot this bozo without hurting one of these future bozos. And of course when bozo junior gets killed the Israelis were of course targeting the ten year old not the guy with the gun who's hiding next to him.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

They're probably shooting at a woman whose ankles are showing. This is one of those set-up photo ops I'm sure.

absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
don't tease the poor Muslims

10:43 PM  

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